
[dojocontent] <accordioncontainer> <accordionpane selected=”true” title=”First One”>This is the content in the first accordion pane</accordionpane> <accordionpane  title=”Second One”>This is the content in the second accordion pane</accordionpane> <accordionpane  title=”With a post inside”><post id=”28″/></accordionpane> </accordioncontainer> [/dojocontent]gbdg

Adult Learners’ Week

Adult Learners’ Week runs from 9th to 15th May this year and NCS is doing its bit to support it. You can try some course snippets and a complete free course over at the NCS ALW page. Try a course on Archaeology, Health Care or Herbology. It’s all free for Adult Learners’ Week.

The NCS Blog

We have a blog. We’ve taken a while to get round to setting one up, but we have finally taken the plunge. What we didn’t want to do was to create a blog just for the sake of having a blog. After all, there are millions of blogs out there: what would be the point …

The NCS Blog Read More »