Science is Vital

Today it was announced that two scientists at Manchester University were awarded the Nobel prize for Physics (see Materials breakthrough wins Nobel). Meanwhile, the Coalition Government are threatening cuts to the very lifeblood of this country, by cutting funding to science research. Such short-sightedness fair takes your breath away. As it says at Science is Vital:

“Investing in research enriches society and helps drive the economy. It led to our preeminent position in the 20th century, and will be vital in meeting the challenges of the 21st century whether they be in energy, medicine, infrastructure, computing, or simply humanity’s primal desire for discovery.”

If you want a simple analogy, if a farmer sells his fields, where does he grow is crops and what does he eat next year?

Of all the threatened cuts, reducing funding to science makes no sense whatsoever.

If you feel the same as me, please go to the Science is Vital website and sign the petition, write to your MP.

